Pieter Hens
Get your Product Owner team up to speed.
And build software with greater confidence and lesser overhead.
Training Sessions
First ask yourself: What is your product?
Fundamentals of Lean Product Management & Product Strategy and Roadmapping
Understand what a (software) proDuct is and how it differs from a proJect.
Grasp the various stages in product management (there's more to it than just "analysis").
Understand Product Strategy and its phases.
Being able to craft a meaningful Roadmap
Then, increase your confidence before committing.
Requirements Validation, Enduser Alignment and Experimentation
Understand where Requirements come from and what makes them "Required".
Translate opportunities into actionable solutions.
Learn various validation and experimentation techniques to finetune / adapt / and align the solution with user needs.
So you can start with the breadth...
Understand how to capture the bigger picture and processes
Familiarise with (and have practiced) a concrete (workshop) technique for capturing the business' and user's process.
Receive specific tips and tricks regarding facilitating workshops (both physical and digital).
Understand how to document the informal model into a more formal process model.
Event Storming & Process documentation with BPMN
... before diving in deep...
User Stories (history, use, and practice) & Story Mapping
Understanding what User Stories are and how they are used in Development.
Understanding why a Story Map is necessary.
Build out and structure your scope baseline.
Get familiar with a workshop technique for creating and maintaining a Story Map.
... and add details.
Development Process (Kanban/Scrum), Story Elaboration and Splitting
Understand the steps of a (standard) development team.
Understand where the task/responsibility of the product owner lies.
Be able to elaborate on a story in detail.
Get familiar with workshop techniques for working out these details.
Now formalise and make it look good!
Domain modelling & UX
Understand why formalization is necessary.
Be able to create a UML domain model.
Understand the importance of UX (User Experience).
Grasp the principles of good UX.
Course Material
The following materials are included in the training and will be made available afterward:
Actionable Templates
Training Concepts
A training trajectory is best paired with an actual project.
This way, any learned techniques can be immediately applied in practice.
Furthermore, introducing new techniques is also better absorbed when the trainee already has a thorough understanding of the practical issues in software product development (such as a backlog of 1000 items in JIRA, lack of structure in the development process, changing requirements, unrealistic requests, requirements that no one is interested in, etc.).
In this setting, effective workshops can be set up to practice/use the newly acquired techniques.
Working with a toy example case is also possible but less advisable.
On-Premise Training
The training sessions are conducted in person / on-premise.
This allows for quicker responses to participants' needs and the content can be adjusted 'on the fly' to suit the audience. Cases and exercises can be worked on collaboratively.
This mirrors the work of a Product Owner in practice: you never work alone. Collaboration is a part of the skillset.